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- 💎 Ruby Radar #1 - Hello World
💎 Ruby Radar #1 - Hello World
Welcome to the first issue of the Ruby Radar! This is a weekly, hand-curated Ruby newsletter showcasing articles, videos, gems, and more from the previous week. Delivered every Sunday, Ruby Radar is a great way to stay up to date with the Ruby community!
Why am I receiving this newsletter? You signed up for newsletter updates from RubyMeetup.app, a now defunct idea by Andrew Mason. This is the same email list, just rebranded for a new purpose: to promote content and tools from creators in the Ruby community. If you are not interested, just hit unsubscribe at the bottom of this email - no hard feelings!

📝 Active Record Encrytion, several performance optimizations, and much MORE! — weblog.rubyonrails.org
There have been lots of new additions to Rails ahead of the new version 7 release. This post from zzak details the top additions over the past week.

In this article from the Honeybadger blog, Diogo Souza introduces us to the OWASP Top 10 list of vulnerabilities and dives into injection vulnerabilities to show us how Rails protects us against them and how we can protect ourselves.

Jason and Chris are joined by CJ Avilla, Developer Advocate at Stripe. This episode if packed full of information about Stripe and what it does beyond card payments. There are tons of exciting new things happening at Stripe in the next couple of months and CJ tells us about some of them.

Marty Haught and Evan Phoenix, join Brittany Martin to discuss Ruby Central, how Railsconf 2021 came together and what we can expect from the upcoming Rubyconf 2021. Evan also mentions someone has a submarine running Ruby.
Penelope Phippen and Sweta Sanghavi will be giving talks at the fourth WNB.rb June meetup. Sign up today!
Meetup-of-meetups happening June 9, 2021! Registration is now open for EMEA on Rails: the conference experience, minus the jetlag!
Can't remember the args for Rails generators? wasabigeek made a cool online GUI to help you craft your Rails generator commands without having to refer to the docs.

Native Rails partial previews and testing in Storybook. - danieldpence/storybook_rails
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Curated with ❤️ and 💎 by Andrew Mason and Collin Jilbert
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