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- đź’Ž Ruby Radar #48 - Companions we made along the way
đź’Ž Ruby Radar #48 - Companions we made along the way
Welcome to the 48th edition of Ruby Radar! In this issue, you will find a way to obtain a new companion to engage with daily, a video of Sandi Metz's devs for Ukraine talk, and much more!
After building and testing a long time RubyCompanion, it's finally open to everyone! 🎉
We are still actively working on it and more content will be coming too!— Sebastien Auriault (@websebdev)
1:02 AM • May 1, 2022
TruffleRuby 22.1 is released!🚀🎉 It implements the full semantics of Ruby 3 keyword arguments, handles exceptions from other languages as if they were Ruby exceptions, as well as many compatibility fixes.
Full ChangeLog: github.com/oracle/truffle…— TruffleRuby (@TruffleRuby)
6:27 PM • Apr 26, 2022
Now that we’ve had a bit of time to breathe and get fully settled into v1.0, there is a myriad of enhancements and fixes we’re looking to pull together for the next point release. Here’s a sneak peek.
In Ruby, if you want to access hash values like methods on an object, use...

‎🎙Computer Science: Just the Useful Bits: With Shai Schechter: Hustle Hard, Do What's Practical — podcasts.apple.com
Shai Schechter, co-founder of RightMessage, has been hustling since he was 11. He believes that what's practical is very different for different people. If you see a task through a particular lens (e.g. tech) then that's the way you should do it. Do what comes naturally.

Andrew’s team lost, Jason’s team won, and Chris tells us about some cool stuff he worked on with shipping a Command Pallet in Jumpstart and using Ninja Keys. Some other things the guys chat about today are Shoelace, CSS Toggles, building a product, Jason’s book, Software Testing, Apache Cordova, Stripe stuff, Payment Element, Power Rangers, and Jason’s minivan that has Wi-Fi. Go ahead and download this episode now to find out more!
Creating content in 2022 and want to have it featured on Ruby Radar? Create a new discussion at therubyradar/submissions. We'd love to help boost the traffic to your Ruby & Ruby on Rails content!

Pure Ruby ARM64 Assembler. Contribute to tenderlove/aarch64 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Higher-level data structures built on Redis. Contribute to rails/kredis development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Curated with ❤️ and 💎 by Andrew Mason and Collin Jilbert
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